So, if any of you have been reading my blog lately you know that I have been reading a book called A Popular Survey of the Old Testament by Norman Geisler. It is really wonderful. It presents each book of the Old Testament in a very concise way. I just wanted to share with you another quote from the book that explains how the Old Testament fits together.
"The Law laid the foundation for Christ by the election (Genesis), redemption (Exodus), sanctification (Leviticus), direction (Numbers), and instruction (Deuteronomy) of the nation through which the Messiah was to come.
In the books of History preparation was made for Christ by giving Israel the Holy Land for their possession (Joshua). Despite the oppression of foreign powers (Judges) due to Israel's sin, there remained devotion within the nation (Ruth). God gave stabilization to hte nation under king Saul (I Samuel), expansion underKing David (II Saumel), and glorification of the nation during Solomon's reign (I Kings 1-10). With Solomon's death came the division of the nation (I Kings 11-22) into Israel in the north and Judah in the south. Both suffered deterioration and final deportation by foreign powers (II KIngs). Likewise, the Temple suffered deprivation (I Chronicles) and finally destruction (II Chronicles) at the hands of the Babylonians. But God was faithful in the reconstruction of the Temple (Ezra), the restoration of the nation (Nehemiah) and the protection of His People (Ester). The Holy nation returned to the Holy Land and preparation was made for Christ.
Meanwhile, in the Poetical Books there was aspiration for Christ. Whereas the Law laid down the moral basis for the people of God and the books of History provided the national framework, the books of Poetry revealed their spiritual aspirations, The implicit longing for what Christ alone would provide was fivefold. In Job the aspiration is for mediation by God and in Psalms for Communion with Him. Solomon's aspiration for wisdom in Proverbs, for union in love in the Song of Songs, and ultimate satisfaction in Ecclesiastes completes the spiritual longings of Israel for what was to be provided through Jesus Christ.
The Books of Prophecy look forward to Christ in expectation. The Earlier prophets (Hosea, Joel, Amos) expect a national restoration by the coming of Christ. But Obadiah, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah warn of God's retribution on the nations. Lamentations grieves over God's retribution on His People but Jeremiah looks for a convenantal reaffirmations in Christ. Ezekiel expects the nation's religious restoration and Daniel predicts its political restoration. After the Babylonian captivity Haggai and Zechariah exhort the people in their religious reconstruction and Malachi in their social and moral reconstruction as they await the coming of the 'sun of righteousness that shall rise , with healing in its wings' Malachi 4:2."
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