So, I am continuing to create copyright infringements. This is an excerpt from the book, A Popular Survey of the Old Testament by Norman Geisler. It talks about science and creation.
" Some gernal principles of reconciliation between science and Scripture. There is no contradiction between the facts of Genesis and facts of science. There is a difference between some interpretations of Genesis and some theories of science. Since God is revealed in both His Word (Scripture) and His world (science) (Ps.19:1; Rom. 1:19), there is really no contradiction between them. When the Bible and science appear to be in conflict, we must remember that scientific theories change, and they be wron today. In addition, there is more than one way to interpet the early chapters of Genesis. Finally, through the years science has come to support many things the Bible which it once taught were untrue.
Some areas where science supports the Bible. Archaeology has discovered thousands of things which prove the historical accuracy of the Bible. Astronomy agrees with Genesis that the world had a beginning. Geology supports the order of creation presented in Genesis 1, following its approach that the universe came first, the world was formed next, that life began in the sea, with the lower forms of life appearing first, and that man is the highest and latest form of life to appear. Physics (the second Law of Thermodynamics) shows the world is running out of available energy. Hence the world cannot be eternal buy must have had a beginning. Mathematics (the Law of Probability) shows that the world did not happen by chance but was designed by an intelligent power. Biology teaches that each creature reproduces its own kind, and Anthropology shows that there is only one race of mankind (Acts 17:26) with different ethnic groupings within it. This indicates a common ancestor for all men."
I believe that God and science are not too different things. I believe that when one study science one is studying the mind of God. To me science does not disprove God, in fact it further proves that their is a God.
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