Alright, so I like listening to Christian radio. 93.7 WDJC is a major one around here. I enjoy listening to Christian praise songs. It is a lot better then other things I could listen to on the radio. I hate listening to all the political messages which I always turn off. I think that is absolutely terrifying when they try to push a political agenda. I also get disgusted at a particular commercial that advertises for plastic surgery. I was truly angry.
Brothers and sisters, God made each and every one of you in a very loving way. It says so in the Bible.
13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. I believe that plastic
Psalm 139:13-15
This verse was of comfort to me when I was struggling with depression a few years ago. I really hated myself. I hated the way I looked, the way I talked, and the way I was. This verse helped me understand that God designs each and everyone of us with a particular purpose and reason in mind. He created our personalities, the way we laugh, the way we walk, and the even the way our dimples are formed on our face. We were made for His glory sake. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
I am not saying that all plastic surgery is bad. If you have an accident or you are horribly injured, I can see how plastic surgery could be a great comfort to many. But to drastically alter the way you look, is a terrifying thought for me. We (meaning Americans) are so image driven. Just because a doctor recites some verses from the Bible for a radio ad and talks about his" faith" does not mean that what he does is good.
Brothers and sisters, you were formed by the creator of the universe who made you with love. He designed you before the foundations of the world were in place. Do not believe the lies of the world. Your worth is not measured by who you are on the outside, but who you are on the inside. I know it is cliche to say that, but it is the truth.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
I Won't Settle
**** Librarian Warning!!! This one is somewhat long, so if you get tired of reading go get a snack and come back. ****
I just wanted to write this post to show that I am by no means perfect. I do admit that some of this is hard for me to admit. For so many years of my life, I was content to just exist. I would spend whole days watching T.V. and movies. I don't think that these things are bad, but I used to do them in excess. So many years of my life, I believed in what David Platt calls in his book, Radical, something known as "the Super-Christians". Those were the people who memorized and studied scripture. These were the people who shared the Gospel, read their Bibles everyday, and prayed without ceasing. I just thought that there were the supers and the average performing. I really thought and believed that. I remember all throughout high school, I would just leave my Bible in the car on Sunday. I wouldn't touch it again until the next Sunday. That was just how I lived.For so many years, I did not truly acknowledge everything that Christ did for me. I did not understand the gravity of it. For so many years, I shortchanged God.
By the grace of God, I got into a really good college ministry at The University of Alabama. The college minister at First Baptist, Tim Simpson, was very serious about truly knowing your Bible. He constantly promoted Bible studies where you could be encouraged by fellow believers. I remember Tim always claimed that Bible studies are where you truly learned about God. I remember Tim always telling us to take time out of the day to study the Bible. I can even remember him saying,"Oh, you think your too busy to read the Bible. Give me your planner, I bet can find time for you."
My lack of knowledge in the Bible always enforced my belief in the "Super-Christians." But of course I didn't know my Bible, because I never read it. When I first started at Alabama, I always had to flip to the table of contents to find a book of the Bible. I simply did not know where they all were. Nor could I tell you the names of all of them.
Over time, as I entered a Bible study and made an effort to have a quiet time, I was able to learn more about the Bible. I do thank my Bible study leader at First Baptist, Andrew Seay, for investing into my life. Even though, I learned more about the Lord, I still always felt like I was lacking. Through reading the Bible every day, I was able to get through the whole Bible. I still had trouble memorizing scripture and making the most out of my Bible readings. At this point, I could tell you all the books in the Bible, but I still could not tell you the order to save my life.
Within the past year, I have gotten stronger in my walk with Christ. I am being constantly encouraged by friend, Daniel Fuller. He continues to teach me and increase my understanding of the Bible. My Sunday School teacher and friend, Chris Bloom, has helped connect some gaps I had about the Bible in my mind. He has also let me borrow books that have helped me understand the Bible a little better.Teaching the youth at Bluff Park Baptist Church has made me study the word more diligently and carefully than ever before.
In March, I decided that my time with the Lord needed to be better. The way that I have usually study the Word is that I read from both the Old and New Testaments. It works out pretty well. However, I needed to change how I was reading the Bible. I would usually just read the Bible on my bed. Most of the times I could not tell you what I read after I would get through. Sometimes I would even fall asleep. In March, I decided to change that. I decided I would get a journal to write down verses that I found interesting, questions I had, write my own little commentary, and keep up with prayers. I also go to a desk or table to study the Bible. Doing these have really changed how I study the Bible. It has made my time learning about the Lord and praying to Him more intimate. Since, I am writing and stay more focused, my quiet times are longer.
A few weeks ago, I decided that I was going to learn the order of the books of the Bible. I knew roughly where most of them were, but I was determined not to settle for "roughly". By the power of the Holy Spirit, I was able to do it. I felt the Lord working in me as I split the books of the Bible into sections. However, I still needed to get better at memorizing scripture.
I e-mailed Daniel to ask him if he knew of a tool or something that could help me. He sent me this plan that helps me people memorize a whole book of the Bible. So far I have I John 1 memorized. I am working on I John 2. It has been amazing to see the Holy Spirit work.
I still don't know as much about the Bible as I would like to. Right now I feel like I am catching up on all the time I wasted pursuing other things in life. But I absolutely refuse to settle for "a rough knowledge" or "occasionally reads the Bible". No, that attitude is gone. There is no such thing as a "Super Christian" or an "Average Christian". You are either pursuing God or you're not.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
How It All Fits
So, if any of you have been reading my blog lately you know that I have been reading a book called A Popular Survey of the Old Testament by Norman Geisler. It is really wonderful. It presents each book of the Old Testament in a very concise way. I just wanted to share with you another quote from the book that explains how the Old Testament fits together.
"The Law laid the foundation for Christ by the election (Genesis), redemption (Exodus), sanctification (Leviticus), direction (Numbers), and instruction (Deuteronomy) of the nation through which the Messiah was to come.
In the books of History preparation was made for Christ by giving Israel the Holy Land for their possession (Joshua). Despite the oppression of foreign powers (Judges) due to Israel's sin, there remained devotion within the nation (Ruth). God gave stabilization to hte nation under king Saul (I Samuel), expansion underKing David (II Saumel), and glorification of the nation during Solomon's reign (I Kings 1-10). With Solomon's death came the division of the nation (I Kings 11-22) into Israel in the north and Judah in the south. Both suffered deterioration and final deportation by foreign powers (II KIngs). Likewise, the Temple suffered deprivation (I Chronicles) and finally destruction (II Chronicles) at the hands of the Babylonians. But God was faithful in the reconstruction of the Temple (Ezra), the restoration of the nation (Nehemiah) and the protection of His People (Ester). The Holy nation returned to the Holy Land and preparation was made for Christ.
Meanwhile, in the Poetical Books there was aspiration for Christ. Whereas the Law laid down the moral basis for the people of God and the books of History provided the national framework, the books of Poetry revealed their spiritual aspirations, The implicit longing for what Christ alone would provide was fivefold. In Job the aspiration is for mediation by God and in Psalms for Communion with Him. Solomon's aspiration for wisdom in Proverbs, for union in love in the Song of Songs, and ultimate satisfaction in Ecclesiastes completes the spiritual longings of Israel for what was to be provided through Jesus Christ.
The Books of Prophecy look forward to Christ in expectation. The Earlier prophets (Hosea, Joel, Amos) expect a national restoration by the coming of Christ. But Obadiah, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah warn of God's retribution on the nations. Lamentations grieves over God's retribution on His People but Jeremiah looks for a convenantal reaffirmations in Christ. Ezekiel expects the nation's religious restoration and Daniel predicts its political restoration. After the Babylonian captivity Haggai and Zechariah exhort the people in their religious reconstruction and Malachi in their social and moral reconstruction as they await the coming of the 'sun of righteousness that shall rise , with healing in its wings' Malachi 4:2."
"The Law laid the foundation for Christ by the election (Genesis), redemption (Exodus), sanctification (Leviticus), direction (Numbers), and instruction (Deuteronomy) of the nation through which the Messiah was to come.
In the books of History preparation was made for Christ by giving Israel the Holy Land for their possession (Joshua). Despite the oppression of foreign powers (Judges) due to Israel's sin, there remained devotion within the nation (Ruth). God gave stabilization to hte nation under king Saul (I Samuel), expansion underKing David (II Saumel), and glorification of the nation during Solomon's reign (I Kings 1-10). With Solomon's death came the division of the nation (I Kings 11-22) into Israel in the north and Judah in the south. Both suffered deterioration and final deportation by foreign powers (II KIngs). Likewise, the Temple suffered deprivation (I Chronicles) and finally destruction (II Chronicles) at the hands of the Babylonians. But God was faithful in the reconstruction of the Temple (Ezra), the restoration of the nation (Nehemiah) and the protection of His People (Ester). The Holy nation returned to the Holy Land and preparation was made for Christ.
Meanwhile, in the Poetical Books there was aspiration for Christ. Whereas the Law laid down the moral basis for the people of God and the books of History provided the national framework, the books of Poetry revealed their spiritual aspirations, The implicit longing for what Christ alone would provide was fivefold. In Job the aspiration is for mediation by God and in Psalms for Communion with Him. Solomon's aspiration for wisdom in Proverbs, for union in love in the Song of Songs, and ultimate satisfaction in Ecclesiastes completes the spiritual longings of Israel for what was to be provided through Jesus Christ.
The Books of Prophecy look forward to Christ in expectation. The Earlier prophets (Hosea, Joel, Amos) expect a national restoration by the coming of Christ. But Obadiah, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah warn of God's retribution on the nations. Lamentations grieves over God's retribution on His People but Jeremiah looks for a convenantal reaffirmations in Christ. Ezekiel expects the nation's religious restoration and Daniel predicts its political restoration. After the Babylonian captivity Haggai and Zechariah exhort the people in their religious reconstruction and Malachi in their social and moral reconstruction as they await the coming of the 'sun of righteousness that shall rise , with healing in its wings' Malachi 4:2."
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
God and Modern Science
So, I am continuing to create copyright infringements. This is an excerpt from the book, A Popular Survey of the Old Testament by Norman Geisler. It talks about science and creation.
" Some gernal principles of reconciliation between science and Scripture. There is no contradiction between the facts of Genesis and facts of science. There is a difference between some interpretations of Genesis and some theories of science. Since God is revealed in both His Word (Scripture) and His world (science) (Ps.19:1; Rom. 1:19), there is really no contradiction between them. When the Bible and science appear to be in conflict, we must remember that scientific theories change, and they be wron today. In addition, there is more than one way to interpet the early chapters of Genesis. Finally, through the years science has come to support many things the Bible which it once taught were untrue.
Some areas where science supports the Bible. Archaeology has discovered thousands of things which prove the historical accuracy of the Bible. Astronomy agrees with Genesis that the world had a beginning. Geology supports the order of creation presented in Genesis 1, following its approach that the universe came first, the world was formed next, that life began in the sea, with the lower forms of life appearing first, and that man is the highest and latest form of life to appear. Physics (the second Law of Thermodynamics) shows the world is running out of available energy. Hence the world cannot be eternal buy must have had a beginning. Mathematics (the Law of Probability) shows that the world did not happen by chance but was designed by an intelligent power. Biology teaches that each creature reproduces its own kind, and Anthropology shows that there is only one race of mankind (Acts 17:26) with different ethnic groupings within it. This indicates a common ancestor for all men."
I believe that God and science are not too different things. I believe that when one study science one is studying the mind of God. To me science does not disprove God, in fact it further proves that their is a God.
" Some gernal principles of reconciliation between science and Scripture. There is no contradiction between the facts of Genesis and facts of science. There is a difference between some interpretations of Genesis and some theories of science. Since God is revealed in both His Word (Scripture) and His world (science) (Ps.19:1; Rom. 1:19), there is really no contradiction between them. When the Bible and science appear to be in conflict, we must remember that scientific theories change, and they be wron today. In addition, there is more than one way to interpet the early chapters of Genesis. Finally, through the years science has come to support many things the Bible which it once taught were untrue.
Some areas where science supports the Bible. Archaeology has discovered thousands of things which prove the historical accuracy of the Bible. Astronomy agrees with Genesis that the world had a beginning. Geology supports the order of creation presented in Genesis 1, following its approach that the universe came first, the world was formed next, that life began in the sea, with the lower forms of life appearing first, and that man is the highest and latest form of life to appear. Physics (the second Law of Thermodynamics) shows the world is running out of available energy. Hence the world cannot be eternal buy must have had a beginning. Mathematics (the Law of Probability) shows that the world did not happen by chance but was designed by an intelligent power. Biology teaches that each creature reproduces its own kind, and Anthropology shows that there is only one race of mankind (Acts 17:26) with different ethnic groupings within it. This indicates a common ancestor for all men."
I believe that God and science are not too different things. I believe that when one study science one is studying the mind of God. To me science does not disprove God, in fact it further proves that their is a God.
Monday, May 9, 2011
It is all about Him
My friend and Sunday School teacher, Chris Bloom, let me borrow a book called, A Popular Survey of the Old Testament by Norman L. Geisler. I am only about seventy pages into, but so far I gotten a lot from it. This is a list that Geisler gives about how all the books of the Bible point to Jesus. I think that this is an awesome list and I just wanted to share this with all of you.
The Old Testament
Seed of the woman (Genesis 3:15)
The Passover Lamb (Exodus 12)
The Atoning Sacrifice (Leviticus 17:11)
The Smitten Rock (Numbers 20:8, 11) {This one confused me a little. It is mentioned again in I Corinthians 10:4)
The Faithful Prophet (Deuteronomy 18:18)
Captain of Lord's Host (Joshua 5:15)
The Divine Deliver (Judges 2:18)
Kinsman's Redeemer (Ruth 3-4)
Anointed One (I Samuel 2:10)
Son of David (II Samuel 7:14)
The coming King (I and II Kings)
The Builder of the Temple (I and II Chronicles)
Ezra represents Christ as The Restorer of the Temple (Ezra 6:14, 15)
Restorer of the Nation ( Nehemiah)
Ester portrays Him as the Preserver of the Nation (Esther)
Living Redeemer (Job 19:25)
Praise of Israel ( Psalm 150:6)
Wisdom of God ( Proverbs 8:22- 23)
The Great Teacher (Ecclesiastes 12:11)
Fairest of Ten Thousand (Song of Solomon 5:10)
Suffering Servant (Isaiah 53:11)
Maker of the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31)
Man of Sorrows (Lamentations 3:28-30)
Glory of God (Ezekiel 43:2)
The Coming Messiah (Daniel 9:25)
Lover of the Unfaithful (Hosea 3:1)
Hope of Israel (Joel 3:16)
The Plowman (Amos 9:13)
The Savior (Obadiah 21)
Jonah represents The Resurrected One (Jonah 2:10)
Ruler of Israel (Micah 5:2)
The Avenger (Nahum 2:1)
The Holy God (Habakkuk 1:13)
Desire of the Nations (Haggai 2:7)
The Righteous Branch (Zechariah 3:8)
Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:2)
The New Testament
King of the Jews (Matthew 2:2)
The servant of the Lord (Mark 10:45)
The Son of Man (Luke 16:20)
Son of God (John 1:1)
Christ is the Ascended Lord (Acts 1:10)
The Believer's Righteousness (Romans 1:17)
Sanctification (I Corinthians 1:30)
Sufficiency (II Corinthians 12:9)
Liberty (Galatians 2:4)
Exalted Head of the church (Ephesians 1:22)
The Christians Joy ( Philippians 1:26)
Fullness of Deity (Colassians 2:9)
Believer's Comfort (I Thessalonians 4:16)
Glory (II Thessalonians 1:12)
Christians Preserver (I Timothy 4:10)
Rewarder (II Timothy 4:8)
Blessed Hope (Titus 2:13)
Substitute (Philemon 17)
High Priest (Hebrews 4:15)
Giver of Wisdom (James 1:5)
The Rock (I Peter 2:6)
Previous Promise (II Peter 1:4)
The Life (I John)
The Truth (II John)
The Way (III John)
The Advocate (Jude)
King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Revelations 19:16)
The Old Testament
Seed of the woman (Genesis 3:15)
The Passover Lamb (Exodus 12)
The Atoning Sacrifice (Leviticus 17:11)
The Smitten Rock (Numbers 20:8, 11) {This one confused me a little. It is mentioned again in I Corinthians 10:4)
The Faithful Prophet (Deuteronomy 18:18)
Captain of Lord's Host (Joshua 5:15)
The Divine Deliver (Judges 2:18)
Kinsman's Redeemer (Ruth 3-4)
Anointed One (I Samuel 2:10)
Son of David (II Samuel 7:14)
The coming King (I and II Kings)
The Builder of the Temple (I and II Chronicles)
Ezra represents Christ as The Restorer of the Temple (Ezra 6:14, 15)
Restorer of the Nation ( Nehemiah)
Ester portrays Him as the Preserver of the Nation (Esther)
Living Redeemer (Job 19:25)
Praise of Israel ( Psalm 150:6)
Wisdom of God ( Proverbs 8:22- 23)
The Great Teacher (Ecclesiastes 12:11)
Fairest of Ten Thousand (Song of Solomon 5:10)
Suffering Servant (Isaiah 53:11)
Maker of the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31)
Man of Sorrows (Lamentations 3:28-30)
Glory of God (Ezekiel 43:2)
The Coming Messiah (Daniel 9:25)
Lover of the Unfaithful (Hosea 3:1)
Hope of Israel (Joel 3:16)
The Plowman (Amos 9:13)
The Savior (Obadiah 21)
Jonah represents The Resurrected One (Jonah 2:10)
Ruler of Israel (Micah 5:2)
The Avenger (Nahum 2:1)
The Holy God (Habakkuk 1:13)
Desire of the Nations (Haggai 2:7)
The Righteous Branch (Zechariah 3:8)
Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:2)
The New Testament
King of the Jews (Matthew 2:2)
The servant of the Lord (Mark 10:45)
The Son of Man (Luke 16:20)
Son of God (John 1:1)
Christ is the Ascended Lord (Acts 1:10)
The Believer's Righteousness (Romans 1:17)
Sanctification (I Corinthians 1:30)
Sufficiency (II Corinthians 12:9)
Liberty (Galatians 2:4)
Exalted Head of the church (Ephesians 1:22)
The Christians Joy ( Philippians 1:26)
Fullness of Deity (Colassians 2:9)
Believer's Comfort (I Thessalonians 4:16)
Glory (II Thessalonians 1:12)
Christians Preserver (I Timothy 4:10)
Rewarder (II Timothy 4:8)
Blessed Hope (Titus 2:13)
Substitute (Philemon 17)
High Priest (Hebrews 4:15)
Giver of Wisdom (James 1:5)
The Rock (I Peter 2:6)
Previous Promise (II Peter 1:4)
The Life (I John)
The Truth (II John)
The Way (III John)
The Advocate (Jude)
King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Revelations 19:16)
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