Monday, March 28, 2011

Sarah or Hagar

From the 1993 movie Abraham. It is good you should watch it.

      So, I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Robert Burgess. The purpose of this blog will be to give details on my walk with Christ. I am a graduate student at the University of Alabama. I am studying library science. I am a youth leader at Bluff Park Baptist Church. We do not have a youth minister since our church can not afford one. So, I am one a few people who are trying to make sure that our kids know the Gospel.

    I was reading about the story of Hagar and Sarah the other day. My whole life I have felt like I was Hagar. I have had times when I felt like an outcast. There have been times when I have felt rejected. As I was reading Genesis 16 I started thinking perhaps that I am more like Sarah. God told Abraham that he would have a son. Which sounded crazy since Abraham was in his nineties and Sarah was in her eighties. Instead of waiting for God and trusting in Him, Sarah took matters into her own hand. She decided to have Hagar conceive God's promised child to Abraham. I think we are all more like Sarah then Hagar. Too often we want to do things are own way and we do not trust God. Then when we try it our own way, we get mad. I have tried to live a lot of my life my own way. When I do I get mad when things do not turn out how I want them too. We need to trust God, especially when it has to do with things that seem impossible. 

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