Sunday, January 11, 2015


   So, after a few years of theological librarianship, I have decided to get a seminary degree. This month I will be Master in Theological Studies Program at SWBTS. The seminary will be paying  for the degree (which is an amazing benefit). This will hopefully make me into to a more affective librarian. I will be taking Hermeneutics and Church History II this semester.
    To be completely honest, I am a little nervous. Seminary classes have a reputation for being extremely challenging (as they should be). Please be in prayer for me to be wise in how I manage my time over the next few months. I am hoping that since I have already finished reading three of the textbooks along with completing one assignment, that I will start out on the right foot. Also, please be in prayer that I will retain the information that I learn over the course of my studies.

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