Monday, December 23, 2013


    I have really wanted to post more on this blog during this year. But I am afraid life just got really busy for me. These past few months have been really rough for me personally. However, I have really seen God work in some amazing ways. 

    One major thing that happened a few months ago is that my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. It is very hard for me to be so far away. I was so worried about her having to go through chemo and radiation treatments. This caused me a lot emotional strain. I was worried that she would have to have her breast removed. However, her tumor was very small. In fact it was so small that the doctors could remove it easily. She also did not have to have chemo. My mom only had one week of radiation. This was such a blessing. God really took care of my mom and gave her strength through this whole procedure.

     Also, my dad has been in bad shape physically. After years of working in the coal mines, one of his knees gave out on him. He has been limping very badly for several months. He was really needing to have knee replacement surgery, but he was unable to do it until my mom could get taken care of. Last week my dad had knee surgery. He is in a lot of pain, but eventually he will get better. He has gotten stronger every day and has been actively doing his therapy.

    Also, in the midst of dealing with these issues with my parents, my girlfriend broke up with me. Honestly, it needed to happen. A few months ago she started pulling away from me. She seemed to never have time to spend with me. She never wanted to get to know my friends. She told me that her parents did not approve of me because I violated certain Korean cultural norms that I did not know about. She vanished from my life when I told her my mom had cancer. Her only words of comfort were, "I will be here for you as long as God wills me be to be here". When she broke up with me she told me that God was communicating to her through her dreams telling her that she needed to break up with me. She also said that I was a spiritual distraction to her because she was thinking too much about me and not enough time thinking about God.

    I can not tell you how much this damaged me. After spending a lot of time investing into the relationship to be relegated as being nothing more than a "distraction" has affected me a lot.  However, I have really felt the Lord healing me through this time. I still have a little ways to go.  And I am very thankful for so many things in my life.

I am thankful for my friends at Antioch Bible Baptist Church who during this time have found various ways to love and bless me. Individuals have come together to buy and cook me meals. Some have given my mother gifts. My Sunday School class came together to sign a card and poster for me. They were diligently in praying for me and my family. Some of them even go whole other groups of people that I never met to pray for my situation.  My friends at Antioch Bible Baptist have truly become my family. They have been a huge encouragement to me.

I am thankful for the community at MBTS. Not only were they the only ones who were willing to take a chance on my after graduate school but they have provided such a loving community for me. The students, faculty, and staff at MBTS are wonderful. 

I am also very thankful for my parents. They are loving and kind. I am thankful that the Lord has healed them in amazing ways. I will continue to pray for their healing. 

I am very thankful for the Lord and the great work that he has done in my life. I am thankful all his blessings over the past few months. God is wonderful. Please remember my family and me in your prayers over the next few months.

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