Saturday, December 8, 2012

Why I choose Christ over Christmas


So, here is my official stance on Christmas. This is not a rant, but simply my opinion. A lot of Christians get upset when the world pushes "Happy Holidays" on them. I understand their frustrations. Many of them feel that the world is trying to take Christ out of Christmas. Several Christians in America consider this to be persecution. However, I would be extremely hesitant towards that claim. Christians all over the world are suffering at the hands of their government or their neighbors. Many are killed for boldly proclaiming the Gospel. The fact is that there are several holidays that occur from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day. Do not get angry with the world for their rejection of Christ, instead boldy proclaim the Gospel to them. :)
    As far as taking the Christ out of Christmas, I think that job was achieved a long time ago. Think about how commercialized Christmas is. What do trees, ornaments, Santa Claus, snowmen, lights, and presents have anything to do with the birth of Jesus. In fact many of these Christmas traditions were around long before Christ was born. Are these things bad in and of themself? No, in fact one of my best most valued memories as child is watching The Santa Clause with my Dad every year before Christmas. Please, brothers and sisters, do not let these things distract us from the Gospel.

     Why do we exchange presents for Jesus' birthday? Some might say that we exchange presents because Jesus was presented with gifts from wiseman at the manger. But that is simply not found in Scripture. Scholars estimate that Jesus was two by the time that the wisemen found him. This estimate comes from Matthew 2:16, when Herod has all the male children in Bethlehem killed that are two and under. The most detailed account of Jesus birth comes from the book of Luke. That book makes no reference to wisemen! I personally think that it is crazy to spend so much money on gifts for each other.  All of this stuff that we value so much is going to turn to dust. It is meaningless! Do you want to even think about how many toys and appliances get thrown away every year! I find it very sad that the birth of Christ is associated with all of this materialism. Instead of spending money on gifts, donate money to organizations such as Gospel for Asia or Heifer International. Those organizations allow you to buy animals and clean water for people in need all around the world. I know that Gospel for Asia allows you to purchase Bibles that have been translated into the native language of the people that the organizations serves. Or you can donate money to your local mission to feed a meal to someone this Christmas.

    Also remember that we have no idea when Christ was born. The Gospels do not make it clear. There is simply no evidence to support that Jesus was born on December 25. It is interesting that Bible is more clear about when Jesus died and resurected, then when he was born. If Jesus had just been born, lived a good life, taught a few good teachings, and died comfortably, then we would have no hope of salvation. Only through Christ's being crucified on the cross and his resurrection are we saved. As Christians we should emphasize more on the event that saved us.

    I know that if I ever have children, I want do not want their first Christmas memories to be of some old guy who sneaks into our home and gives them gifts. Instead I want them to know of the ultimate gift of the Savior to humanity. I think it is more important for us not to forget Christ this Christmas. In fact everyday we should be thanking God for this wonderful gift.

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