Sunday, August 26, 2012

All of Grace

   So, I guess I need to catch my readers up to speed. So, I have recently moved to Kansas City, Missouri. I am the Head of Acquisitions of the library at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. So, far I have really liked my time here. I have wonderful co-workers. This job is allowing me to gain great experience. Right now I am living on campus. Living on campus is really a blessing because I get to be around the patrons that I serve in the library. I am having a great time right now.

   I just thought I would share some quotes from a book I am reading right now called All of Grace by Charles Spurgeon. In case you did not know, Charles Spurgeon was a preacher and evangelist from the nineteenth century.  We actually have a Charles Spurgeon collection in the library at Midwestern. We have some of his personal books from his library along with his desk. So here are some quotes from this book that I wanted to share:

"God will spare the sinner because He did not spare His Son. God can pass by your transgressions because He laid those transgressions upon His only begotten Son nearly two thousand years ago. If you believe in Jesus, then your sins were carried away by Him who was the scapegoat for His people. What is it to believe in Him? It is not merely to say  'He is God and the Savior,' but to trust Him wholly and entirely, and take Him for all your salvation from this time forth and forever --your Lord, your Master, your all."

"My sole hope for heaven lies in the full atonement made upon Calvary's cross for the ungodly. On that I firmly rely. I have not he shadow of a hope anywhere else. You are in the same condition as I am; for we neither of us have anything own worth as a ground of trust. Let us join hands and stand together at the foot of the cross, and trust our souls for once for all to Him who shed His blood for the guilty."

(On how becoming a new person in Christ occurs) "'I cannot make this change,' says one. Who said you could? The Scripture which we have quoted speaks not of what man will do, but of what God will do. It is God's promise and it is for Him to fulfill his own engagements. Trust in Him to fulfill His Word to you, and it will be done. 'But how is it to be done' What business is that of yours? Must the Lord explain His methods before you will believe him? The Lord's working in this matter is a great mystery: the Holy Ghost performs it. He who made the promise has the responsibility of keeping the promise, and He is equal to the occasion. God who promises this marvelous change, will assuredly carry it out in all who receive Jesus, for to all such He gives power to become the Sons of God."

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