Sunday, June 26, 2011


     On March 23 2011, made a change in how I study God's Word. I used to read the Bible on my bed. Most of the times I read it on my bed. Sometimes I would fall asleep. Occasionally I would make notes in my Bible. There were times I could not remember  what I had just read. In March I knew I needed to make a change. I decided that I would start keeping a journal. I went to Barnes and Noble and picked out a journal for myself. This has worked out very well for me. I write questions to ask people much more along in their faith then me. I write my own little commentary. I write how I can apply certain verses to my life. I keep track of what I learn. I also write down my prayers for each day. This has definitely helped with me comprehending what I read it. It has also made my quiet times more focused. Today will be my last entry into my journal. I have already bought a new one. Keeping a journal through my quiet times has been very helpful.  I recommend this for all.

This is my journal. Yes it has Harry Potter on it. Don't judge me.


  1. Hey Robert!
    Have you ever read the book "God, the Devil, and Harry Potter: A Christian Minister's Defense of the Beloved Novels"? I've always been intrigued by the title, but have never gotten around to reading it.
    Your blog post combined with journal picture reminded me of it!

  2. No, Carla, I have never read it. I might check it out, though.
