"What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies? For its maker trusts in his own creation when he makes speechless idols! Woe to him who says to a wooden thing, Awake; to a silent stone, Arise! Can this teach? Behold, it is overlaid with gold and silver, and there is no breath at all in it." Habakkuk 2:18-19
So, I am going to make a confession. Ever since I graduated this past May, I have been wasting my time on foolish idols. No, not the ones made out of wood or metal. An idol is anything you place above God. I have not used my time off from school very effectively to enhance the Kingdom of God. When I wasn't applying for jobs, I spent a lot of time watching television shows on Netflix and reading a lot of fiction books. And those things are not bad for me to do, but I have spent an excessive amount of time doing these things. During that time I could have been studying the Bible, reading theology books, listening to sermons, or praying (blog post about praying will come later). And although, I was doing some of those things, I really feel like I could have done more. The LORD has helped me realize that I have recently been wasting time that he has given me. Instead of learning more about Him, I have been indulging in things of the world that are not fulfilling. All television shows end. All books series end. None of these things will ever fully satisfy me. In the end all of these things will burn up. These things will not exist in Heaven. As "cool" as movies, T.V. shows, and books may be to me, they will never truly give me salvation, purpose, or satisfaction. They may bring temporary happiness, but only YHWH brings joy.
Now, am I saying that books, movies, and television are bad. No! I love all of those things. Although, I think all Christians need to be wary about the types of things we watch and read. And Christians need to understand that we all have a certain allotted time hear on earth. My question to you as a believer is this: Do you want to spend your time on earth pursuing idols such as television, alcohol, politics, success, Facebook, or wealth? Or do you want to glorify God? Honestly, I think it is good for believers to check themselves to see what is the true desire of their heart.